Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fluffy cat, red wiluwil and mermaid-4-bubble rectangle medal medallions

Dream: Busy, busy, house filled with people, cats...dark living room with old dark green couch. Behind it ran our new kitten, fluffy long white hair happily scooting around and playing. Oh! I forgot to take her out to go pee and we dashed all over until we found her. We took her out the side-pet door at our Lake Titus ny house.    Next :looking out the window at a dinner or cafeteria with other 'kids,'
And seeing a red, red pod like vehicle speeding by. I called it a helicopter but it had no propeller. I could see the driver and wished we were in there, too. It was a war like vibe, troops getting ready too young to worry about being involved.    Next: seeing floating downward as if being on the sea floor, small metal medallions with raised designs of a mermaid with four big bubbles, all metal. Shiny. Size was about playing card size 3x4. I knew they were prizes or rewards for us for achieving something even then not recalling. But, knew that they were significant for my awakend self to recall so kept saying, metal, mermaid, 4 bubbles and write it in my new notebook. I will.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Roomful of Honey

Dream: A Roomful of Honey
Date: Sept 19 2013
Once again I was at the dream version of my Aunt Elinor's house. Last week or so I dreamt I was there and she had a mean, angry look on her face and as I tried to escape she took a poloroid camera and tried to get a photo of me to show everyone 'what I'd done'! In my dream last night, she was at work and the house was much bigger and often morphed into Aunt Florence's house, too. Many 'visitors' I didn't know were walking around, sleeping in other rooms. In a huge kitchen my chore was to fill the honey jar sitting in the middle of the floor. I got distracted and it overflowed filling the whole kitchen. I was panicy and tried getting it all up before she got home. A 'Wally Stark' type of man came out of a room and tried to help a bit. Children, too, came over and really didn't help, just gawked. I think my Aunt came home when it was just about done. I recall washing stuff off in the sink and thinking, this house isn't as classy/nice as I thought. It needs repairs.

Comments: the golden honey color was overpowering, beautiful, sweet, just way too much of it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Minerva dates Stone Phillips

Dream: I am young, 16 and my brothers are home but in the background. My Mom, Minerva, is young, thin, about 40 or so and she is standing at our apt. door at the top of the stairs. I walk in and then I see Stone Phillips standing next to her in the doorway. They are quite chummy. He leaves. He is my teacher, I say, and are you and he Yes, she says nervously. Oh, all the high school girls have a crush on him. Wait until I tell them. I am a little worried my Mom is going to get hurt by this guy, emotionally.

comments: This is only the second dream I've had since Mom died Aug. 15, 2012. I've been missing her. I hope she is having love where she is now. Stone Phillips...hmmm, my dream guide would call that a ZA or the avatar or leader or main element to view. Then, you take the name of the person who is the za and find clues....Stone??  I'm thinkin' I'm thinkin'...but I don't know yet. It may come to me later.

Phillips =fill-ups??  Maybe Stone Phillips is Death? filled with stone? any ideas or comments from my 2 subscribers? I notice Mr.Phillips works on DATEline....interesting little za there.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Standing in the Sink to do the Dishes

Dream: Once again I was at my Aunt Elinor's house in Levittown L.I., NY. My son, Myel, was about 11 years old and was doing the dishes by standing barefooted in the sink with them. I asked if he wanted me to hold him to steady him. He said no he was fine.
In the same dream my Mother was in the other room wearing a strange, tube-like dress with an even stranger cowl collar unattached to the dress. It fit lumpy and I wondered why she still wore it. I went into a different room, now a school and had a list I was reading from so I wouldn't forget all the news I had to share with the 3 or 4 people sitting on couches. One was a teacher and the other a handsome young man I planned to save the last gossip for. I hope he was listening. I deliberately avoided him.    ...end of dream....

comments: I'm too tired to think. Oh I just recalled another part. Gloria had written to me on the computer and I had an old-fashioned printer paper letter that said, 'Don't get excited, I'm not on-line, this is it'. I wish she'd compute!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Belated Universal New Years 11/11/12

Too many dreams to keep track of these past months. My dreams are always busy, filled with folks of all ages, places past, mixed with new unknowns. People recast in mixed roles in my play of dreams.

Our Mom, Minerva, 1950 with me and older brother, George.
The other night I dreamt I was about 18 and living at home part time. My brother Don was 8 and I felt he needed clothes. I told my Mom I was going to get him new things. I drove to Patchogue but kept losing my wad or envelope of cash. I had our old black chevy Gary's folks gave him but in my dream, I couldn't handle it too well. At times, my Mom was with me and going to try and drive but it didn't work. I think I ended up walking back to Farmingville. I'm unsure now.
Note: Our Mom, Minerva, died this past summer. Today would have been her 94th birthday! She loved dreams, having them, telling and hearing them, divining them. She was good and we had a definite psychic link, very strong, dreamwise.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lisa's dream: Hippie Shaman & B&W Stones

 I am so happy my grown up kids share their dreams with me just like they've done all their lives. I am so thrilled my new daughter, Lisa, is quite good at dream recall and its insights. She shared this with me and
gave me her permission to post it here:

Shaman Hippie? Pointed door looking into tree? I know it isn't even close to Lisa's description so maybe she or Adam could someday choose and rehash some google photos to more express what she saw. It is hard~! Much harder than I thought...but fun!

Lisa: I had the most vivid dream the other night and I was able to write it down and I thought you might like to hear it.  Adam, Desmond and I were on vacation in some desert area and there were all these tall rock formations that looked like the colored sand sculptures that kids do but they were prettier and more natural looking than that.  So, it was just the three of us and Desmond was very little, like the size he was when we brought him home from the hospital.  He was sick and we decided to bring him to the doctor.  We went to this huge, mall-like building and were waiting in a normal looking waiting room.  When Desmond's name was called, it was by this hippie/shaman-looking guy in long robes.  We entered through a pointy door that looked like it went into a tree.  It was beautiful, with intricate hinges etc.  Once in, it was a giant space filled with tables that all looked different and in the middle of each one was a collection of like-colored objects...mostly rocks but other things too...natural stuff...feathers etc.  We were given two "readings" by the "doctors."  The first from the guy who called us in.  He said that Desmond and Adam shared a very close bond but that the other male figure in Des' life was very spiteful.  In my dream, I thought "Alex?  Alex isn't spiteful."  The other "reading" was by a baby Leo's age who could talk but he said several incorrect things and didn't seem to know what he was talking about.  When we were leaving, I realized I had three black and white stones in my hand...2 dull and 1 shiny.  I didn't remember picking them up and two of the women who worked there helped me to put them back.  (I can't remember what the colors were for the stations where we had our readings.)  The next thing, we were home and all, Des (still extra tiny), Alex, Rowan, and Leo.  We were eating in the dining room and Adam asked everyone to stand up and made a toast of some sort but I don't remember what about.  It was extra vivid and really beautiful in parts.  Adam swears I must have more artistic ability than I give myself credit for but I said it is one thing to dream or picture something and another thing else entirely to render that image into something artistic.  Well, at any was weird and wonderful and I know you enjoy hearing people's dreams.